About Us
Learn to build a natural barn or home this summer of 2022

The world is shifting.
The importance of shelter and how we shelter ourselves.
It's time to relearn how to live in alignment with our natural laws.
This summer we will build a barn for ahimsa cows.
Ahimsa translates to non-violence in our relationships.
Using wood from the local forest.
Harvested using low-grade selection practice which allows the forest to return to old growth.
Using clay, straw and wood chips from the local earth.
Harvested close to the building site to create the walls of non-toxic behaviour and negative ionic content.
Clay's ionic charge makes it a healthy material that allows all ages to participate.
Come one, come all, young and old.
Come lend a hand and re-learn how to build shelter for our selves and our animals;
for all our relations.

Our Story
Welcome to Saranagati Ecovillage.
Saranagati translates from Sanskrit as surrender.
We are working diligently to prepare this barn for the coming winter.
There is space for several participants to come help with
the milling,
light-clay wall infill,
and finishing
of the Goshala (sacred cow barn).
In this project one will see clearly how a shelter,
be it home or barn,
can be built with local materials.
Multiple Days During:
June, July, August, September
Camping and meals
$120/day or blended work exchange
contact for more details
Meet The Team
Light-clay is a wall system used by the German's in their vernacular of natural design in homes that now stand at 700 years old.
Ligh-clay wall systems are solid, durable, non-toxic, insulative and thermal storage mediums. They handle water vapor in cold climates and are resistant to rot, vermin and fire.
Please contact us for more information:
milling May/June/July
framing June/July
wall system July/August
finishing July/August/September