What Does it Mean to Heal On all Levels?
Everyone has healing to do.
We have all experienced trauma in one form or another.
Everyone has a story to tell.
Everyone has an identity they may wish to shed, and a spirit they may wish to embody.
Finding ones voice and ones ability to heal is part of this journey.
If the Man and Woman heal, the land heals.
If the land heals, the Man and Woman heal.
The Medicine Wheel spins.
The members at Blue Earth Forest Farm have talked about this collective journey and we share this mutual interest.
We are still very young in this journey.
We have dreamed and talked about many things.
Some things to share at this point are:
Working together in some capacity, each to their own, to help the land we co-own heal.
We are all forest dwellers on this earth no matter where we live.
We have a forest and meadows to help heal and regenerate.
We have building materials and food that can come from the healing relationship.
Forest, meadow, top-soil, water and all living beings that share this wealth and abundance.
The forest and meadows provide plant medicines we can wildcraft and cultivate ourselves.
The top-soil provides the world wide web of the microbiome and virome and fungome that is the foundation of our healing being.
For this reason alone it needs to be recognized as sacred ground.
The water provides life energy we are only beginning to recognize.
It's vibration, frequency, integrity and abundance is paramount.
All living beings and all relations begin to heal around these basic earth elements we have been gifted to protect and share.
And then their are our ancient medicines and wisdoms.
The Nlaka'pamux, Secwepemc, and many other native families know this well and carry this knowledge today in this area.
For this I am very thankful.
The Ayurvedic, Traditional Chinese and European Naturopathic medicines also carry this knowledge today.
The vibrations and frequencies of our bodies and minds.
The air and waters that the sky and forest provides have an amazing opportunity to give us this health while we journey here.
May you come in peace to share in this journey and relearn the ways.
May we all reindiginate to find each our own roots and freedom to heal.
Michael Hollihn, Blue Earth Forest Farm member.